Pests & Diseases Tutorial

This is an experimental page for facilitating information sharing on organic control of pests and diseases. This page can complement the information exchange in the (upcoming) discussion forums.

Major plant pests and diseases, categorized by crop type for a specific region (or state/province), are listed. This information can be obtained from government sources, agriculture universities, and through input from farmers and experts. Berries, vegetables, grains/oilseeds/forage, grapes, nuts and tree fruits are examples of such crop categories. British Columbia plant pest and disease identification and management page is an example of a government resource providing such information.

There is an add/update form for pest and diseases in each plant category. Farmers can mark their pest/disease problems on the map and provide solutions if they have managed to control such problems.

**** Start date and end date fields for plant pest & disease incidents will be added to the forms. For now, you can simply note the dates or the season when you've encountered specific plant pests or diseases.

On the main regional or state/provincial page, for each crop category users can view incidents of the chosen pest or diasease on the map (contributed by other farmers). Users also have the option to filter for incidents with provided solutions.

With an increasing number of inputs over time, it will be possible to view the spatial distribution and density of a specific pest or disease for any desired time period on the map. This capability can be particularly helpful in the face of unpredictable nature of pest and disease variations due to weather extremes and climate change.

Some examples of organic methods and strategies for controlling pests and diseases involve: