
Seed exchange sample
Site admin

  • Start date: March 12, 2023
  • Description: Seedy Sunday event at Stanley Park. Bring all all varieties of heirloom seeds.
  • Registration Info: Free to all, no registration required, just bring your own heirloom seeds and extra small envelopes
  • Organizer name: Heriloom seed society sample
  • Contact Info:
  • Website
  • This is an in-person event - address: Stanley Park

Webinar on gleaning and surplus food recovery sample
Site admin

  • Start date: May 3, 2023
  • Description: Getting gleaning and surplus food recovery groups together. Sharing ideas about how we can pull our resources together. Wednesday 5:30-7:30pm.
  • Registration Info: Free for all. Please register beforehand by contacting Mrs Glean.
  • Organizer name: Metro Van Gleaners Society sample
  • Contact Info:
  • Website
  • This is an in-person event - address: Metro Van Gleaners Society sample street, as well as zoom meeting
  • This is a virtual event

Compost making workshop sample
Site admin

  • Start date: June 6, 2023
  • Description: Learn how to make backyard hot compost as well as start your own worm compost. We will get our hands dirty.
  • Registration Info: free to all, no registration required, just bring your own bin and newspapers for worm composting
  • Organizer name: Compost Education Center sample
  • Contact Info:
  • Website
  • This is an in-person event - address: Princess park, North Vancouver, BC sample

Farm tour & U-Pick sample
Farm 1 sample

  • Start date: Sept. 30, 2023
  • Description: An afternoon of touring our farm between 2 – 5pm. You are welcome to pick fruits and berries as we stroll along. Please bring your own containers and bags.
  • Registration Info: Please confirm your participation via email. If you need to cancel, please let us know at least 24 hours in advance.
  • Organizer name: Farm 1 sample
  • Contact Info:
  • Website
  • This is an in-person event - address: Farm 1 sample street, Richmond, BC

Breakfast at Tiffany's sample farm (& work party) sample
Site admin

  • Start date: Nov. 1, 2023
  • Description: Come for breakfast at Tiffany's sample farm. Enjoy pancakes, waffles, Spanish omelets and bottom-less coffee. In return you will have to pull weeds all day long!
  • Registration Info: Please register beforehand. You can e-transfer $60 to the above email for each person attending.
  • Organizer name: Tiffany's sample farm
  • Contact Info:
  • Website
  • This is an in-person event - address: Tiffany's sample farm street