
Agroecology is a scientific and applied approach to agriculture that integrates ecological principles into farming systems. It emphasizes the sustainable and harmonious interaction between plants, animals, humans, and the environment. Agroecology seeks to create resilient and productive agricultural systems that are environmentally friendly, socially just, and economically viable.

Brazil example - Industrial Agriculture & Land Grabbing, Brazil example-part 2, Brazil example-part 3
What can be done in this part of Brazil


Agroecology Knowledge Hub (FAO)
10 Elements of Agroecology
Scaling up Agroecology Initiative (FAO)
The 13 Principles of Agroecology
La Via Campesina - International Peasant's Movement
FROM UNIFORMITY TO DIVERSITY - A paradigm shift from industrial agriculture to diversifed agroecological systems
Agroecology and climate, biodiversity & desertification
Climate change, adaptation and the potential of agroecology
Desertification, land degradation, and the potential of agroecology
Preserving and restoring biodiversity through agroecology
Family Farming Knowledge Platform (FAO)